What is a Demerger?

Demergers can be as advantageous as mergers and acquisitions for a corporation. Read about how businesses use this strategy to create market value and streamline processes here.

What’s a Hiring Freeze?

Unsure what a hiring freeze is and how it can impact the future of employees? Read this article to find out more information.

What are Tariffs?

Involved in exporting or importing goods? Learn about tariffs and the effects they will have upon your business’s production costs and profitability here.

What’s a Hostile Takeover?

Are you thinking of targeting another company or worried you might be targeted? Read this article to understand how a hostile takeover happens.

What Is Illegal Price Fixing?

Do your prices match or follow your competitors? Ensure this does not result in illegal price fixing by learning all about it here.

What Is Exclusive Dealing?

Do you know what exclusive dealing is? It is a form of anti-competitive behaviour that restricts business conduct. Read this article to find out more.

How Are Partnerships Taxed?

A necessary question to ask for someone who wants to start a partnership is how much tax will I pay? This article outlines what you will be taxed.