Reuse any document with Templates

Streamline Your Document Preparation and Sharing with Ease and Efficiency

Boost your productivity and transform your document workflow

Say goodbye to the repetitive chore of preparing documents for completion. Our new Templates feature empowers you to create a document once and replicate it countless times with minimal effort.

Reuse any document

Say goodbye to starting from scratch. Create a Template from any Lawpath document to reuse it as many times as you need.

Share with a single link

Every Template comes with its unique link, making it easy for you to share for individual completions and eSignatures.

Manage all versions in one place

Keep your workspace clutter-free with all completed Templates in dedicated folders. Stay organised, stay efficient.

Here's what people say about Lawpath

How it works


Create a Template from any completed document on the Lawpath platform


Drag-and-drop the fields you'd like to add to your Template


Share your unique link and be notified every time your Template is completed

Frequently Asked Questions

Templates is currently available on all documents on the Lawpath library. We plan to make this available to uploaded documents in the near future.

Templates are an excellent resource when you frequently use a specific document, such as client agreements or employment contracts. Instead of recreating the document each time, you can simply use the template, saving you time and ensuring consistency across all your documents.

Templates can be shared easily via a unique link that is generated for each template. Simply copy the link and share it with the intended recipients. They can then fill out the document and provide their eSignature if needed.
No, there is no limit. Once you’ve created a Template, you can reuse it as many times as you need. This feature is designed to save you time and help you maintain consistency across your documents.