Complete tax compliance.
Zero taxation worries

A tax plan that does the compliance for you, so you never miss a deadline.

Simplify Your BAS Lodgement and
Tax Compliance

What is BAS?

A Business Activity Statement (BAS) is a crucial form that businesses in Australia must submit to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on a regular basis. This form is used to report and pay various tax obligations, including:

The frequency of lodgement can vary, typically being monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on your business’s turnover and specific ATO requirements.

You may also need to lodge BAS statements if you’re not registered for GST but have any of the above tax obligations

Upcoming Quarterly BAS Due Dates

Q1 FY24

28 October 2023

Q2 FY24

28 Feb 2024

Q3 FY24

28 Apr 2024

Due Soon

Q4 FY24
28 Jul 2024

Q1 FY25

28 October 2024

Q2 FY25

28 Feb 2025

Q3 FY25

28 Apr 2025

Q4 FY25

28 Jul 2025

What we offer with the Tax Plan?

Mandatory Tax Returns & BAS Lodgements

We cover all aspects of tax compliance, ensuring you meet all legal requirements effortlessly.

Extended Deadline for BAS Lodgement

As your Registered Tax Agent, we ensure you benefit from extended BAS lodgement deadlines, ensuring your compliance is always on time

Prepared financial reports

We prepare all of your required financial statements. From the Balance Sheet to the Profit and Loss, we’ve got you covered.

Automated Reminders

Never miss a deadline again with our timely notifications.

How it works



After signing up we will contact you to check your tax compliance and where you are at with your lodgements.


BAS Sorted

We'll then prepare your statements and complete lodgements on your behalf. We can also assist with any past lodgements to ensure your records are up to date (additional fees may apply).


Proactive Protection

We'll alert you of any upcoming lodgements and ensure you're prepared to maximise your annual tax returns.

Exclusive Member Offer:
Sign up before the 28th of July and save 30%*

Tax Plan


*Offer for annual plans only; valid for the first year, renews at full price after.

*The Tax Plan is per entity for businesses with an annual revenue of under $400,000. The plan covers lodgement of 4 x Upcoming BAS statements and these will be confirmed during onboarding. Past outstanding lodgements and book-keeping is not included and will be quoted separately. Please refer to the full terms and conditions here.

Upcoming webinars

Start the year with the knowledge and tools to optimise your tax position and enhance your business's financial health

Tax Strategies for Small Business Success

Thursday 25th July 2024 (12:00pm AEST)

Tim Quinn

Head of Tax and Accounting

Frequently Asked Questions

Lawpath’s Tax Plan includes a dedicated tax agent to help with your tax obligations for a company structure. This includes annual or quarterly business activity statements (BAS) statements, annual financial statements, tax return, and annual year-end consultation.

The frequency of BAS lodgement depends on your business’s circumstances and turnover:

  • Monthly: If your GST turnover is $20 million or more, you must lodge monthly.
  • Quarterly: Most businesses lodge quarterly if their GST turnover is less than $20 million.
  • Annually: If your GST turnover is less than $75,000 (or $150,000 for non-profits), and you are voluntarily registered for GST, you can choose to lodge annually.

Your BAS will typically include

  • GST collected on sales
  • GST paid on purchases
  • PAYG withholding amounts
  • PAYG instalments
  • Other tax obligations, such as FBT instalments or luxury car tax (if applicable)

You can lodge your BAS through several methods:

  • Online: Using the ATO’s Business Portal, your accounting software, or through your registered tax or BAS agent.
  • By mail: Completing the paper form and mailing it to the ATO.
  • Phone: For businesses with simple BAS obligations, you might be able to lodge by phone.
If you fail to lodge your BAS by the due date, you may incur penalties and interest charges. It is important to lodge on time to avoid these penalties.
Yes, you can seek help from a registered tax or BAS agent who can assist you with preparing and lodging your BAS. Many businesses use accounting software that can also simplify the BAS preparation and lodgement process.

If you are still unsure about your BAS obligations, it’s advisable to contact the ATO or consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance.
Tax Compliance is vital to running a successful business. Firstly, it ensures you are running an operationally sound and legal business in the eyes of the ATO. Secondly, managing your tax compliance means you will have more data to determine whether you are making the right business decisions in growing your business.
In most circumstances, there will be at least an annual reporting requirement, with regards to your Income Tax. Additionally, if you are registered for other tax registrations like Goods and services tax (GST), Pay as you go (PAYG), and Fringe benefits tax (FBT), your reporting requirements will require additional quarterly or annual reporting to the ATO.
Our tax services provide convenient, online access to manage your tax and compliance obligations affordably, unlike traditional accountants. With on-demand support and a tech-driven approach, we streamline processes, ensuring efficient handling of all tax requirements in one centralised platform.
The services included in the Tax Plan are only for future BAS and tax return lodgements. However, our tax team may be able to assist for an additional fee. Please reach out to see if we can assist.
Lawpath Tax Advisory will be your tax agent. As soon as you subscribe to the Tax plan, you will receive the details of your new tax agent, including their tax practitioner registration number.
Yes, you will need to provide details of your business’s income and expenses to facilitate the preparation and lodgement of the annual tax return by our dedicated tax agent.
When you registered for your company/business ABN, you selected the frequency in which you’d like to report your BAS. If you are unsure, once subscribed to the Tax plan, your new tax agent can find this information on your behalf.
Get start your tax compliance today!

A tax plan that does the compliance for you, so you never miss a deadline.