Lawpath Verified

Molly Hamilton

Business and Commercial, Lawpath Legal [ABN 23 647 966 783]


5.0 (12 reviews)


Supreme Court of Victoria

Not For Profit Law, Privacy Law, Startup Law, Copyright Law, Trademarks Law... and more!

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Molly is a lawyer at Lawpath Legal with expertise in commercial, business and start up law.

Molly assists clients with a range of legal matters including drafting and negotiation of service agreements, supply/distribution agreements, early stage policies and terms, software/website development projects, services and facilities agreements, trademarking as well as advising on associated consumer law, employment law, and intellectual property issues.

She works with new and existing businesses in relation to their corporate structures. The clients she works with operate across a variety of industries including software and technology, professional services, healthcare, and retail/wholesale. They include local Australian businesses, technology start-ups, non-profit organisations, and large corporations.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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Not For Profit LawPrivacy LawStartup LawCopyright LawTrademarks LawTrust LawBusiness Formation LawBusiness LawCommercial LawCompany LawContract Lawe Commerce LawSmall Business Law

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