Can I use a Registered Business Name as my Company Name?

When registering a company, ASIC requires that you provide a company name. When choosing a name for the company you can use a new name, an existing business name, or the ACN as the company name. This guide will show you how to use an existing business name for a sole trader or partnership as your new company name.

Table of Contents

Can I use a registered business name as my company name?

Yes, you can use a registered business name as your company name. If you choose to use a registered business name as your company name you will have to provide additional information when filling out the application.

What’s the process when you register a company and want to use a registered business name?

When filling out the LawPath company registration form, you will have to choose an option for the company name. If you would like to use a registered business name, you will need to select ‘Use an existing business name’. Once you have done that you will enter the existing registered business name in the company name section. If your business name was registered after 28 May 2012, you will then enter the ABN of the registered business name and can proceed through with the rest of the application (please ensure that this is the correct ABN, otherwise your application will be rejected by ASIC). Once you submit the application your registered business name will be your company name.

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What happens if my business name was registered before 28 May 2012?

If your business name was registered before 28 May 2012 without an ABN then you will need to provide the registered business number and the state of registration.

What else should I know before using a registered business name as my company name?

You will need to ensure that an shareholder of this new company is the owner of the existing business name. If you are not the holder of the registered business name or registering the company for one of the holders of the specified identical business name, then you will not be able to use that registered business name as your company name.

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