Lawpath Verified

Sam Haln

Senior Lawyer, Lawpath Legal [ABN 23 647 966 783]


4.9 (135 reviews)

Sydney, nsw

High Court of Australia, Supreme Court of New South Wales

IT Law, Not For Profit Law, Privacy Law, Property Law, Copyright Law... and more!

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Sam is a senior lawyer at Lawpath Legal with expertise in commercial, employment, consumer, and technology law. He is experienced in dealing with a wide variety of business legal issues including:

  • Commercial contracts: ICT managed service agreements, SaaS agreements, website and mobile app T&Cs, professional consulting agreements, intellectual property licences, medical & allied health practice agreements, loan and security agreements, and commercial and retail leases.

  • Employment law: employment agreements, subcontractor agreements, unfair dismissal and general protections disputes, and interpretation of Modern Awards and enterprise agreements.

  • Establishing new businesses, purchase/sale of business assets, purchase/sale of company shares, and franchising agreements.

  • Advising on compliance with consumer rights, competition law, and privacy law.

Sam assists clients in IT, engineering, healthcare, and professional services (especially accounting & HR) industries, among others. They include technology start-ups, non-profit organisations, multi-generational family businesses, and large corporations with over 1,000 employees and contractors.

Prior to becoming a lawyer, Sam earned a Bachelor's degree in computer science and worked as a data analyst for a major general insurer. After qualifying as a lawyer in 2013, he went on to earn a Masters degree in corporate and commercial law, which included studies in international commercial transactions, media regulation, and intellectual property. With this background, he combines legal, technical, and business insights to provide clients with advice that are legally sound and practically-oriented.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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