Employers are legally required to provide their employees with payslips. This payslip has certain features that must be included to ensure it meets the legal requirements. Read on to understand what these features are, and what can happen if you fail to include the information.
How should a payslip be given?
Payslips may be received electronically through email, or may be given physically. In addition, it’s required to be easily accessed by the employee, and given within one business day of receiving pay.
What needs to be included in a payslip?
A payslip requires several features in order to be legally valid. These include pay received, necessary dates, hours worked, names and ABNS, and superannuation information.
Payment information
The payment information must include the gross and net earnings. It must also list any applicable loadings or deductions. Furthermore, it must list the total earnings that person has received from the company within that financial year.
Necessary dates
The payslip requires the dates of the pay period, and the date the payment’s made. Dates of the specific days worked are unnecessary.
Hours worked at rate
It is necessary to include the hours worked at what rates. This may include your regular rate, overtime, or any other bonuses / deductions as applicable. For example;
- $25.00 x 12hrs = $300
- $37.50 (overtime rate) x 3hrs = $112.50.
Names and ABNs
The payslip requires the employer and employee names. Furthermore, if the employer has an ABN, it must be listed.
Superannuation information
The employer is required to provide information of the superannuation contributions paid, as well as the name of the employee’s super fund.
What happens if I don’t include this information in a payslip?
The Fair Work Ombudsman is the government organisation that regulates an employers relationship with their employees. Accordingly, the employers may be fined for failing to provide the information as is legally required by the Ombudsman.
Final thoughts
In conclusion, it is necessary to include the aforementioned features in your employees payslips. Failure to do so can result in legal consequences from the Fair Work Ombudsman. For further enquiries, or to have your payslip looked over to ensure it meets the requirements, an employment lawyer will be able to assist.