How Do I Start a Pet Shop? A Step-by-Step Guide


Starting a pet shop in Australia can be an exciting and fulfilling business idea, especially for those who love animals. With more people owning pets, the need for pet supplies and services is growing, making it a good time to open a pet shop. 

By starting a pet shop, you can provide pet owners with everything that they need to care for their beloved animals,  from food and toys to grooming products and advice on pet care. By so doing, you could help promote responsible pet ownership and create a sense of community among pet lovers. Depending on how much you’re willing to take on, you could also set yourself up as the go-to person for those seeking new animal companions.

Owning a pet shop is a good idea. But how can you bring your idea to life? Like every other business, getting your pet store up and running is no easy feat. But with dedication, determination, and the right information, you can create an establishment that offers quality pet services and puts money in your bank account.

This guide explains some of the fundamental steps to starting a thriving pet store business. Read on to learn more.

6 Steps to Starting Your Pet Shop

Determine What Kind of Pet Store You Want to Start 

There are different types of pet stores, so the first thing you need to do is decide what kind of pet store you’d like to establish. 

Would you like to stock animals? If so, what breeds would you be interested in? Or would you rather stick to animal supplies? 

Answering questions such as these at the very beginning can help you create your own niche and streamline your marketing efforts, ensuring you meet the specific needs of your target customers. 

Conduct Market Research 

Once you’ve determined the type of pet store you’d like to run, the next thing to do before investing your time and money in starting a pet shop or any business at all is to conduct market research.

This step is crucial because it can help you 

  • Identify your potential customers and understand their needs and preferences
  • Identify your competition so you can make your store stand out from the crowd
  • Find a good location for your business and decide whether or not to run a brick-and-mortar outlet,  an e-commerce store or both.

Essentially, you need these details to ensure you stock the right products and offer the services pet owners in your area want. 

How to Conduct Market Research 

There are several methods to conduct market research, some of which are highlighted below. You can pick the method that best resonates with you. However, for the best results, you might want to combine more than one research method. 

  • Surveys and Questionnaires: Ask pet owners about their shopping habits, what products they need, and what they wish local pet stores offered. This can be done online or in person.
  • Interviews: Speak with potential customers and local pet experts, such as veterinarians and pet groomers, to gather detailed insights about their needs and possible gaps in the local pet industry. 
  • Observation: Visit competitor pet stores to see what products they carry, how they display them, and how customers interact with the stores.
  •  Online Research: Use the internet to find trends in the pet industry, read reviews of other pet stores, and check out what people are saying on social media about their pet needs and experiences. Tools like Google Trends can be especially helpful in this area. 

Create a Business Plan 

A business plan is a written document that outlines your business goals and explains how you plan to achieve them. 

The plan will typically include details about what your business will sell, who your customers are, how you will make money, and what steps you need to take to get started and grow.  It’s like a roadmap for your business that leverages the information you got during your market research to help you plan for the future and implement your business ideas.

 If you intend to secure a loan or seek third-party investment in your business, a business plan becomes even more necessary. It demonstrates your seriousness and commitment as a business owner and shows the viability of your business ideas.

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Ensure You Are Legally Compliant 

Pet stores, like several other businesses in Australia, operate under strict regulations and restrictions. Compliance with the relevant laws and guidelines is important to build trust and show future customers that you intend to follow ethical standards in your business operations.

More importantly, not following the law can result in serious penalties such as fines or even the shutdown of your store. 

Pet store regulations in Australia vary with each state and depend on the nature of the merchandise the pet store carries. However, the strictest regulations are reserved for those who sell live animals.

For example, the Victoria Code of Practice for the Operation of Pet Shops has strict requirements to regulate the living conditions of pets in pet stores. Pet pens must meet specific dimensions, and feed storage facilities must be vermin-proof. If you intend to sell pets, it would be wise to get all of these sorted out before opening day.

Getting off on the right foot means understanding the laws relevant to your pet store and ensuring maximum compliance before opening day.

Depending on your business structure, you may also need to 

  • Register your business and obtain an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Create certain policy documents, such as website terms of use (especially if you have an online outlet).

Understandably, it could be difficult to keep track of the regulations you need to comply with on your own. If you’re unsure where to begin, you can contact your local council to find out the specific requirements for pet stores in your proposed business area. You could also consider seeking help from a legal professional who can help you understand and fulfil your obligations under the relevant laws.

Choose Your Suppliers 

As a pet store owner, you need suppliers to provide pets and products for your store unless you have enough money to get these on your own. Establishing a business relationship with good suppliers early on can help minimise your opening costs as you’d likely be able to stock a variety of items without needing to spend a lot upfront.

However, every product or pet you sell reflects your brand, so when selecting suppliers, you need to be certain that you are satisfied with the intended suppliers’ products. Before committing to a long-term relationship with a supplier, consider starting out with product samples to test your customer’s acceptance. You could also request a trial period with a supplier to monitor and confirm that their approach to business aligns with your needs.

With increasing awareness of animal cruelty and ill-treatment, it is important to source your products, including pets, responsibly. This means you must get them from suppliers that treat animals well, ensure their health and safety, and do not use them for harmful experiments.

Depending on your location, ethical sourcing, especially of pets, might be compulsory and not just a matter of choice.

For example, in Victoria, dogs and cats sold in pet stores must be gotten from an approved source, that is 

  • a registered animal shelter 
  • a registered pound 
  • a registered foster carer. 

Essentially, you need to scrutinise your potential suppliers and ensure they do not have any moral, business, or legal issues that could affect your business before transacting with them. 

Hire, Train & Market 

Opening a new pet store involves more than just setting up the shop. You need customers to come shop, and you need staff to attend to them once they show up. So, once everything else is set, you need to look into hiring and training your staff and marketing your store effectively to attract customers.

Knowledgeable and friendly staff can provide excellent customer service, helping customers find what they need and properly caring for the animals. Staff who understand animals and the products you sell can offer valuable advice, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

When conducting staff interviews, some of the qualifications you could look out for include the following:

  • Experience with animals or a passion for pets.
  • Good communication and customer service skills
  • Reliability and a positive attitude.

But no matter how experienced new staff is, it is important to train them so they understand your unique business operations and services and are better equipped to handle customer queries, animal care issues, and other possible issues that could arise. 

Marketing Your Pet Store

Marketing helps get the word out about your new store, attracting customers who might not know you exist.

There are several ways to achieve this.  You can hire a marketing agency to run ads on TV and in newspapers or use online ads, which are usually cheaper and more focused. If you have a physical store, hosting a grand opening event with special offers and partnering with local businesses are also great ways to attract customers.

Once the customers begin to pour in, your well-trained staff will be there to greet them and help them have a great pet store shopping experience, which can help you develop a loyal customer base.


Starting a pet store in Australia can be a rewarding venture. But it requires careful planning and preparation.

Essentially, you need to

  • Decide the type of pet store you intend to run
  • Conduct market research to understand your prospective customers’ needs and your competitors
  • Create a detailed business plan that shows how you intend to run your business
  • Understand and comply with any legal or regulatory requirements for your pet store niche
  • Choose suppliers whose business operations and ethics match your needs
  • Hire and train employees to serve your customers 
  • Market your pet store across various platforms.

By following these steps, you can successfully open and run a pet store that meets the needs of pet owners in your community.

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