Although we’ve got more than 200 legal documents on our platform, we’re always adding more. We want to be able to cover businesses for all of their legal needs, and having a vast catalogue of business documents is a good place to start.
New Documents
January has seen 2020 get off to a busy start. Throughout January, we added more than 15 new documents as follows:
- Wholesale Agreement
- Commercial Lease Agreement (Non-Retail)
- Variation of Discretionary Trust (Exclude Foreign Persons)
- Terms of Trade
- SaaS Agreement (Software as a Service)
- Cancellation Policy
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Leave Policy
- Recruitment Policy
- WHS Policy (Work Health and Safety)
- Working from Home Policy
- Roommate Agreement
- Dress code Policy
- First aid Policy
- Transfer of Shares
- Cookie Policy
- Gift Deed
- Revocation of Power of Attorney
- Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE)
Some key documents
Documents such as the transfer of shares are useful if you want to facilitate the formal transfer of shares in a company.
The terms of trade agreement is another highly valuable document for businesses. A Terms of Trade Agreement helps businesses regulate an ongoing relationship between a Supplier and Customer.
Creating your documents
You can use the search bar in your account to find the document you’re looking for. Once you have selected your document, our interactive form will load. You can then fill in and customise your document according to your needs. Our new eSignature tool also allows you to sign your documents within your account.
Accessing our new documents
These documents are all available on our platform for you to use now, just visit our legal documents library or log into your account at Please also contact support at [email protected] if you have any issues using our new features.