How to Start a Home Inspection Business

Purchasing a house isn’t always as simple as seeing a property you like and then deciding to buy it. It’s important to make sure the property you’re buying is up to standard, and that you’re getting what you pay for. Carrying out a home inspection is an essential part of purchasing in a property. In this article, we’ll outline how you can start your own home inspections business.

1. Know what to look for

Become familiar with the common issues that purchasers face when they’ve just bought a property. Whether it’s an undisclosed mould infestation, hidden cracks or sub-par plumbing, knowing what the common problems are when it comes to newly purchases properties is essential. You should also train yourself in recognising the signs that a property has problems which have not been disclosed. Undertaking inspections will also require you to provide a comprehensive report afterwards, so it’s important to know what kinds of issues are worth noting.

2. Register your business

When starting your business, you’ll have to decide how you want it to be structured. You can choose between operating as a sole trader, partnership or company. Being a sole trader means that your business will be attached to your personally (or to you and your partner if you start a partnership), and you’ll be liable for any debts your business has. By contrast, you can register a company, which means that your business will be considered a separate legal entity.

3. Get insured

All businesses need insurance in case anything unexpected happens. Having insurance will protect you if a customer purchases a house that does carry defects, amongst other things. Further, customers often will choose to hire the services of an insured business rather than one that is not legally protected.

4. Get Licensed

A qualified home inspector must have a license and be adequately certified. You can achieve this through undertaking property inspection training. Not only is this the most viable way to gain knowledge about home inspecting, but also imperative to find your particular interest so that you can specialise in certain types of housing.


People want to know that the property they’re buying is up to scratch and doesn’t have any hidden defects. In this sense, being a home inspector means you can help people with one of the biggest purchase decisions of their lives. If you want more information on how you can start a business, it may be worth contacting a business lawyer.

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