Important Clauses to Include in Your Client Agreement

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A client agreement is essentially a service agreement, generally outlining the terms and conditions of the relationship. If the client hires the employer after the agreement has been sent, it is assumed that the client agrees to all the terms and conditions. Whilst each client agreement is unique, there are important clauses to include across all forms of agreements and clients.

Description of services

Describing the service to be provided is a crucial part of any client agreement. Without it, there is no clear outline of the service you are offering in exchange for compensation. Further, this can lead to your client attempting to dispute that you did not fulfil your promise. Having a clear description of services is integral in your client agreement.

Details of payment

To ensure you’re paid your worth, the payment terms need to be clear. These details should include how much money is owed, when it is due and how to deliver it. Having clear payment details is critical to ensuring you’re paid.

Liability limitation

As a business owner, it is critical to always limit your liability as much as possible. Outlining this in the client agreement is important, as it firmly outlines the responsibilities. In contrast, not including liability limitations may leave the company at risk of lawsuits, even if not at fault.

Termination of agreement

Eventually, all business relationships end. However, it’s important to ensure that your company receives as little damage as possible when this happens. Outlining conditions as to when the agreement ends, and what happens with it is critical. For example, if a client attempts to leave a relationship early, this section may contain the requirement of full payment. Phone and gym plans are common examples. You want to ensure your business leaves the agreement in the best possible situation.

Final thoughts

Drafting a client agreement can be a complicated process. However, no matter the relationship or client, it is important to include the mentioned clauses to ensure your business succeeds. For further enquiries, a contract lawyer may be able to assist.

Don’t know where to start? Contact us on 1800 529 728 to learn more about customising legal documents and obtaining a fixed-fee quote from Australia’s largest lawyer marketplace.

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