Step-by-step legal guides and info on topics that matter to SMEs

Concerned about a former employee taking advantage of confidential information? Learn about how a non-compete clause can protect your business.

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Learn about what a notice of motion is, why it's used, and what it means for cases that are already in the Court system here.
Deciding on a business structure can be difficult. Read about the advantages and disadvantages of forming a public company structure.
Unsure what an invitation to treat is, or how it differs from an offer? This legal guide will answer some questions you might have.
A Power of Attorney can also be appointed to help manage the affairs of a company. Find out how a Company Power of Attorney works here.
Any strong Shareholders Agreement will include good and bad leaver provisions for departing shareholders. Find out more here.
Have you been offered money with no conditions attached? Find out whether it amounts to an ex gratia payment here.

Most Popular Articles

While strategic alliances and joint ventures seem to have some similarities, in practice, they are very different. Find out how they differ.
Unsure what an invitation to treat is, or how it differs from an offer? This legal guide will answer some questions you might have.
Have you ever wondered whether you can run multiple businesses under one company? Read this article to find out.
Due to the rapid decline in cash use, you might wonder, can a business refuse cash in Australia? This article explains whether it is legal.
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) are legal documents which prevent one or both parties from releasing confidential information.

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